
Showing posts from 2024

The Hope of the World is Contained in the Human Spirit

"Jesus rebuked people who tried to make a religion out of him, and challenged people to live with the same courage, conviction and resolve that he did. He said the hope of the world was not a deity somewhere up in the sky, but a power and authority contained in the human spirit." Follow up with research What does it mean that Christ in us is the hope of glory? ANSWER Colossians 1:27  is a powerful verse: “God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Let’s start by clarifying that the apostle Paul is writing to believers in Jesus Christ—the “you” whom he addresses. He calls them “the Lord’s people” in the previous verse ( Colossians 1:26 ). The “Gentiles” are non-Jewish people. A “mystery” in the New Testament is simply something that was hidden in times past but has now been revealed by God. The former mystery, now understood, is that Christ in us is the hope of our future glory. In the Old Te

The Corruption of Jesus's Message

This is concise in describing how the v's reclaimed the religious narrative after DK's intervention as Jesus. It's a back-and-forth battle between the allies and the enemies. 10 THINGS ABOUT CHRISTIANITY THAT JESUS WOULD NOT ENDORSE IF HE HAD A SAY: 1. That his vision for a transformed society, got twisted into an afterlife fantasy about heaven. 2. That a religion was formed to worship his name, instead of a movement to advance his message. 3. That the gospel says his death solved the problem of humankind's separation from God, instead of accepting that his life revealed the truth that there is no separation from God. 4. That the religion bearing his name was conceived by the theories and doctrines of Paul, instead of the truth Jesus lived and demonstrated. 5. That he was said to exclusively be God in the flesh, putting his example out of reach, rather than teaching that we all share in the same spirit that empowered his character and life. 6. That the religion that cla

Book: The God Who Plays


Book: The Naked Bible

  The Bible is NOT about GOD! Are They Still Controlling US? Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis. Full Box-Set

How To Interpret The Bible

  Below is a curation of a well-written article by Jim Palmer. I felt it important enough to archive on this blog. When it comes to the Bible, the question is always going to be how one should interpret it. Unfortunately, there is more than one answer to this question depending on who you ask. Even before a single verse of the Bible is read, an argument will ensue about the proper way to interpret it. In seminary I had a class on biblical hermeneutics. We were mostly encouraged to apply a literal interpretation.  The literal interpretation asserts that a biblical text is to be interpreted according to the “plain meaning” conveyed by its grammatical construction and historical context. The literal meaning is held to correspond to the intention of the authors. This type of hermeneutics is often associated with belief in the verbal inspiration of the Bible, according to which the individual words of the divine message were divinely chosen.  There are other ways people have interpreted the